
Oct 31, 2013

Tugu Kunstkring Paleis


This time I'm not traveling far from where I live. Still within Jakarta, lies a beautiful and awesome restaurant & gallery. Tugu Kunstkring Paleis, as a part of the Tugu Hotels group, has a long history since almost a century ago.

I visited the place out of curiosity and am in progress of writing it for Indohoy. Just you wait. But for now, enjoy the pictures I took.

"The Fall of Java" painted by Anhar Setjadibrata, the owner of Tugu group.
The complete painting is 9x4m in dimension.
This is just about 1/4 of it in the picture.

The door to the balcony.

Couldn't hide my happiness to be at this place :D
Well, there's no reason to, anyway :))

At the souvenir / antique shop.

A jag on the table of Soekarno 1950 room.

Even the space between stairs is fancy!

Lady Justice is now Lady of Enlightenment. 


  1. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Sempet masuk ke ruangan yang ada fotonya Oei Hui Lan nggak?

    1. Oh kalo itu yg di Hotel Tugu, Malang, bukan ya? Tapi pas di Hotel Tugu nggak sempat juga sih, pas malam2 nyari ruangan itu, tapi udah kemalaman, ruangannya udah ditutup.
